Important Pests to lookout for

Important Pests to lookout for

Two types: Black garden Ant and Coastal Brown Ant The black garden Ant feeds on sugar and will be found in kitchens. Coastal brown Ants feed on meat and protein. This wingless blue silver insect is known for its fish-like movements, they are also called fishmoths....
Termites destruction

Termites destruction

Is this happening in your home? If it is, then the answer is yes, termites are causing structural damage Are these little flying termites destroying your beautiful lawn? If something is not done right away, they will destroy the entire landscape Have you seen these...
Garden Pests to lookout for

Garden Pests to lookout for

Aphids Aphids are small sap-sucking insects and members of the superfamily Aphidoidea also known as greenflies and blackflies. They are extremely common and are found in almost every garden. Signs of severe aphid feeding are twisted and curled leaves, yellowed leaves,...


Fishmoths also known as silverfish are teardrop-shaped insects. Their name derives from their silvery light greyish color and movements similar to those of a fish. They are 12-19mm in size and are easily identified. They prefer living in dark and damp areas such as...
Ants everywhere

Ants everywhere

Ants are a common insect found inside the home, usually followed by the words “they are everywhere”. Being the garbage disposal service brought to you by nature it is not the most ideal situation to find them in your food. A few common ant species in South...